
Leave Your Comments

It is important that anglers feed back what their experience of fishing in Assynt has been like in different places and how it has been fishing. This will help the local angling organisations as well as fellow anglers. So please take part! You can leave comments in three ways:

  1. Via the Digital Maps
    Click on the digital map and click on a marker for a place you have fished. Click through to the page with information about that place to fish and at the bottom there will be a comment submission box. We want to know: where you fished, when you fished, what it was like, what you caught and any general comments about your experience.
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5 months ago
John Burdett said

Hi all,

A couple of great afternoon sessions on Loch Drumbeg from the bank. A few fish rising to a small hatch of fly on a chilly day with a light breeze. Great midge free early season conditions. Had five fish including one real beauty at just over two pounds. Others around 6 to 8 ounces but all in fine condition.

Fishing a small green nymph with a gold bead head and also a wet March Brown fly. Tried spinning a small Mepps to get more distance from the bank and has a good take but didn't land the fish.

Also fished the lochs on the Peat Road walk from Drumbeg. Drizzly conditions but nice lochs to fish and not far to hike. Drumbeg Loch is right by the road so very accessible to those who can't hike. Tickets available from the Drumbeg store.

The fishing on offer from the Assynt Crofters' Trust is really exceptional value on either a daily, weekly or seasonal ticket. You could spend months here and not fish the same water twice.


6 months ago
Anonymous said

Hi Guys,


Is it worth throwing a spinner,soft plastic,jig, jerkbait ect out on the water either @ clachtoll beach or the river mouth at lochinver for seatrout?


Heading up for 2 weeks mid june.


Or is it too early for them?


Any advise for a small bar of silver offered would be appreicated 

6 months ago
Assynt visitor said

Hi Adam,

Thanks for maintaining such a useful website for visitors to Assynt.  A wee question please - is the burn above Glen Loch/Druim Suardalain availbale to fish for visiting anglers?  I've always wanted to fish it but the info. on the AAG website seems to suggest it may be restricted to club members only.

Any info. or clarification would be greatly appreciated thanks :-)  

reply (1)
6 months ago
Anonymous said


That's a good question. I will ask and get back to you.

Thanks. Hopefully updating it and improving it soon.

Best regards



reply (1)
6 months ago
Adam said

Hi, It is indeed the case that fishing in the burn above the Glen Loch is reserved for local angling club members and the AAG permits do not cover this water. Sorry if that's a disappointment.

Best regards


7 months ago
Callum Parsons said

Hi Guys,


Looking for any tips/lochs for a farily new fly fisherman in the clachtoll area.


Any help/pointers appreciated.





reply (1)
6 months ago
Anonymous said
Hi Callum
Sorry for the delay in replying but we're in the process of transferring the site over.
June is a great time to come for trout fishing. It's a difficult question to answer because times of day can vary enormously depending on weather conditions and so on - you can catch throughout the day. Warm and cloudy tends to be better than bright sun (very hot or cold) but do not let that put you off (last year I caught great fish in very cold, bright weather in early May). The good thing is in June you have a hell of a lot of daylight to play with and can fish right into the evening!
The website has details of a lot of lochs you can fish here which you can view by list
or map:
Near Clachtoll, I would try: 
Lots of lochs down the Stoer peat track - this goes in from the small housing estate in Stoer, just up the road from Clachtoll eg https://www.assyntanglinginfo.org.uk/places-to-fish/place-to-fish/129 . It's a good walk in but there are a lot of small and larger lochs to try.
This is right by the road in Clachtoll and although often reported to have not much in I saw a lot of rises in it last year: https://www.assyntanglinginfo.org.uk/places-to-fish/place-to-fish/129
Another to try is Loch Cul Fraioch: https://www.assyntanglinginfo.org.uk/places-to-fish/place-to-fish/124 . It can be temperamental to say the least, but great when 'on' and a late spring evening is ideal.
Other than that, really have a look about. In terms of permits for the lochs near Clachtoll you will want a Assynt Crofters' Trust permit:
And for elsewhere in Assynt an Assynt Angling Group permit:
Just be aware (as you said you were taking a spinning rod), almost all of it is fly fishing only. You can fish a small stretch of Assynt with a spinner and use spinners trolling on Lochs Assynt, Cam and Veyatie from a boat.
Hope that helps. Please leave comments on the website. Thanks
Adam Brown
7 months ago
Anonymous said

Hi All,


Heading up in june for two weeks.


Would it be better to do early mornings or evenings as it will more than likely be hot. I am staying at clachtoll campsite. Any lochs near by worth dropping a line. Any advice would be appreicated.

7 months ago
Callum Parsons said

Hi All,

I am new to the fly fishing scene. Usually more of a lure and sea fisihing angler. I have been coming up to clachtoll campsite with the mrs for the last 3 odd years. My mother is from south glasgow so not much going on at my grandparents house!!! 

I am heading up this June for 10 days and would like a little point in the right direction and some flies that would be in season. I have read that matching the hatch is a must?

ANY ADVICE would be wholefully appreciated.

Thanks all!!!!


15 mins across boggy moor to first lochan, looked deep, big boulders around shallows. Expected a few wee trout but nothing showing or biting.

Dropped down to lower lochan, looked less 'good' but saw a few nice rises, and had a couple of solid pulls from the rises off dries. Worth a couple of hours an other breezy day (midge central in sheltered sections late Sep), easy to get to and grand surroundings. 

1 year ago
Stevie said

Hi there


we are going to be staying at the Stoer Bay Chalets soon and want to take my 4year old boy fishing at the side of the loch beside the chalets and wondering is there anywhere to hire or buy cheap rods and best place for bait?


best wishes 



1 year ago
Ewan said


I do a lot of cycling with the MTB in the hills and tracks & usually take a fly rod with me for a half hour or hour fishing somewhere to camp out and mainly come over on the Stornoway ferry, is there any way to get permits online.



reply (1)
1 year ago
Anonymous said

Hi Ewan

There aren't any online permits. However, if you ring the permit sellers they may be able to do something (no promises as we just run this website!).



1 year ago
Tim Wilson said

Usually visit and fish in September but May this time proved more challenging..

Fished loch Beanoch from the boat. Caught 12 fish, nothing over 1lb water still cold and strong breeze. No sign of rising fish but they still came up to a team of claret bumble muddler, bio and Connemara black which all took fish.

Also saw a golden eagle cruise overhead.

Short evening session (due to flat tyre and rain most of the day) on school loch, slight breeze and sunny, only saw a couple of fish rise. Same team tempted 7 fish up. Kept one for supper. 

Walked up to Loch Fionn and fished western end in the late afternoon from bank. Caught 5 on same team with only a few fish showing and some very close in which swam out of the stones as I walked along. Water level very low for this time of year! 

The orchids, bluebells and gorse in full bloom at this time of year are a true spectacle. There's so much more to fishing than just fishing.
