
Freshwater Fishing

Use this unique Freshwater Fishing Map of Assynt to explore dozens of places to fish. Scroll in, click on a marker and get the info about that loch or river. Please leave feedback - you don't have to give secrets away, but pass on advice and reports. If you have a place you want to add, email us at  adam4rj[at]gmail.com .


Latest comments
1 month ago
Callum said
Amazing scenery, with the backdrop of Suilven. Free rising fish taken all across the loch, three of us had around 70 for...
2 months ago
John Burdett said
Hi all, A couple of great afternoon sessions on Loch Drumbeg from the bank. A few fish rising to a small hatch of fly on...
3 months ago
Anonymous said
Hi Guys,   Is it worth throwing a spinner,soft plastic,jig, jerkbait ect out on the water either @ clachtoll beach or...
3 months ago
Adam said
Hi, It is indeed the case that fishing in the burn above the Glen Loch is reserved for local angling club members and the...
3 months ago
Anonymous said
Hi That's a good question. I will ask and get back to you. Thanks. Hopefully updating it and improving it soon. Best...