
Loch Cul Fraoich

A magical loch, especially in the evening or early morning - Cul Fraioch is difficult but rewarding. It can be very dour and even when 'on' the trout can be hard to catch. However, they are high quality, with deep pink flesh and there are some specimens of around 3lb caught every year.

There is a boat located at the northern end (NC335023).

Overcast days are best and often the evening is the time to head up here.

Go through Culkein and park on the track that leads up to the loch, but beware of heading along the track as it can be diffficult to park and is rough in places.

OS Grid: NC025330
Decimal: 58.241252, -5.366398
Degrees: 58° 14' 28.5072'' N, 5° 21' 59.0328'' W
Fishing details: Assynt Crofters' Trust
Permit details: £10/day, £30/week from from usual outlets


Please tell us about your experience of fishing at this loch. This will help other anglers as well as local angling groups.

Your feedback is important so please tell us:

  • Where you fished, when, what conditions were like.
  • What you caught, when and on what (be a little vague if you don't want to give it all away!)
  • Anything other anglers should be aware of - access, reeded up waters, difficulties etc.

Got photos? Email them to us: adam4rj@gmail.com

2 years ago
Callum said

Great day on this loch, had lots of really hard fighting fish mostly in the half pound mark but a couple of a pound all on the 'cow dung fly' and every one cast to a rising trout.

Had a woman telling me I wasn't allowed to fish the South West of the loch as she was the land owner, no signs to back this up, left me a bit puzzled to be honest and put a slight dampner on the day.

reply (3)
2 years ago
Admin said

Hi Callum

Could you drop me a private message through the contact form so we can sort this out offline?




5 years ago
Anonymous said
Have fished this many times over the last 10 yrs or so with numerous blanks.
Have had some success but quite what brought about the success is hard to pinpoint. Afternoons seem to have been better and I’ve had luck with flies with a bit of green on them .
It is a imo a really beautiful atmospheric loch and I’ll always give it ago.
Back up May 2019.
5 years ago
Anonymous said
I went several times in september following the worst of the heatwave, i was surprised to see everything so dry! I can only assume that the heat affected the fishing, as i went here several times and blanked!
7 years ago
Anonymous said
Couple of hours in cold, windy and bright conditions, which are far from ideal for this loch. Absolutely nothing showing and not so much as a take (two of us fishing). Dour!
7 years ago
Anonymous said
Followed advice that this loch fishes best morning and evening, and fished here from 9pm to 11pm. Caught a nice trout of around half a pound on an Invicta retrieved quickly, from the peninsula near the north shore. The fish jumped out of the water 6 times during the fight!
10 years ago
admin said
Shot over to Cul Fraoich on Stoer for 5th day, midges hatching and fish on top in light wind. Went to upwind southerly bank and had three fish up to half a pound. Decided to look over to Drum Beg, different kind of water an three boats out, plenty of small fish activity. Headed back to Cul Fraoich for the afternoon evening rise ! Very little wind now....walked around the furthermost bay to the westerly shore and got amongst some lovely 1 - 2lb fish close in at margins.....one offer on black gnat which I missed and got in a right tangle, by which time fish had passed me by. Dead calm now and several good fish topping 35 yards out. Magical Loch !

And that was it... Definitely going back !

Posted on behalf of Mike A
11 years ago
Anonymous said
A cold wind which then died suddenly didn't help. One small trout to show for 3 hours in the evening.
13 years ago
Anonymous said
Friday 16th Sept. Tonight proved that sometimes it's just worth a punt even in the most unlikely conditions. Had a couple of hours from about 6pm and nearly didn't bother as the wind and rain lashed against the car windscreen. Wandered up to Cul Fraioch from the Raffin side and fished the south shore. Tricky casting in strong gusty winds, cold and darkening skies. But a belting two hours fishing!

6 caught all around the pound mark (kept one for the table as these trout taste great and clearly a very healthy population in here). Five caught on a small bibio-like muddler on the point wobbled through the waves on a figure of 8. Moved every few casts and nothing for the first half hour... then regular powerful takes. Probably just as well as it pretty tricky to see the fly in the gloom - one fish appeared to jump right out of the water and dive down onto the fly. Sometimes they do give you a hand!

It was a bit of a tatty fly anyway and was really coming to bits after 5 fish had chewed it but this may have helped - it looked more like a hopper by the end the amount of 'legs' trailing a wake. One on middle dropper claret bumble.

Given how tricky this loch can be to fish, this was probably the most productive two hours ever had here. A great way to end the season.

13 years ago
Anonymous said
Two 3/4lb trout from the boat, but very close in to shore. Rose couple of others but pretty dour for this time of year, not helped by dropping temperatures. Several float tubers out tonight who may have done better?
13 years ago
Anonymous said
Fished here from 19:00 to 21:15. Caught a 10oz fish on a Peter Ross early on and hooked another of about the same size on an Orange Invicta but lost it. Both were taken from the East Bank. The first fish appeared to have been eating midge larvae. Conditions were cloudy with a northerly wind. I'll be back tomorrow to give it another go.
reply (1)
13 years ago
Anonymous said
I did manage to get back on the 26th, again from 19:00 to 21:00. The wind was blowing a very strong north-westerly with white-caps on the waves, it was raining and cold. I fished the south-west bank. I took a 10oz fish on a Peter Ross and hooked another but lost it. At least I had something to justify the madness of going out in the weather. Interestingly, the fish I caught the previous night had white flesh and the other had pink. Both tasted great.