

6 months ago
Anonymous said
Hi Callum
Sorry for the delay in replying but we're in the process of transferring the site over.
June is a great time to come for trout fishing. It's a difficult question to answer because times of day can vary enormously depending on weather conditions and so on - you can catch throughout the day. Warm and cloudy tends to be better than bright sun (very hot or cold) but do not let that put you off (last year I caught great fish in very cold, bright weather in early May). The good thing is in June you have a hell of a lot of daylight to play with and can fish right into the evening!
The website has details of a lot of lochs you can fish here which you can view by list
or map:
Near Clachtoll, I would try: 
Lots of lochs down the Stoer peat track - this goes in from the small housing estate in Stoer, just up the road from Clachtoll eg https://www.assyntanglinginfo.org.uk/places-to-fish/place-to-fish/129 . It's a good walk in but there are a lot of small and larger lochs to try.
This is right by the road in Clachtoll and although often reported to have not much in I saw a lot of rises in it last year: https://www.assyntanglinginfo.org.uk/places-to-fish/place-to-fish/129
Another to try is Loch Cul Fraioch: https://www.assyntanglinginfo.org.uk/places-to-fish/place-to-fish/124 . It can be temperamental to say the least, but great when 'on' and a late spring evening is ideal.
Other than that, really have a look about. In terms of permits for the lochs near Clachtoll you will want a Assynt Crofters' Trust permit:
And for elsewhere in Assynt an Assynt Angling Group permit:
Just be aware (as you said you were taking a spinning rod), almost all of it is fly fishing only. You can fish a small stretch of Assynt with a spinner and use spinners trolling on Lochs Assynt, Cam and Veyatie from a boat.
Hope that helps. Please leave comments on the website. Thanks
Adam Brown

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