
Loch Culag (The School Loch)

book-cover This is one of the lochs featured in a book - Trout Fishing in Assynt: A Guide to 30 lochs - which gives you the best, local expert advice there is about fishing this loch. The booklet, which helps fund local angling, is available from Inverbank Newsagents, Lochinver.

Boat ONLY  fishing, located at NC097218

Next to the road just south of Lochinver and home to the local school, Culag has both plenty of hard fighting trout and also migrating salmon and sea trout. Boat only fishing.

OS Grid: NC097217
Decimal: 58.143095, -5.234731
Degrees: 58° 8' 35.142'' N, 5° 14' 5.0316'' W
Fishing details: Assynt Angling Group, Southern Zone
Permit details: £7.50/day, £40/week from from these outlets


Please tell us about your experience of fishing at this loch. This will help other anglers as well as local angling groups.

Your feedback is important so please tell us:

  • Where you fished, when, what conditions were like.
  • What you caught, when and on what (be a little vague if you don't want to give it all away!)
  • Anything other anglers should be aware of - access, reeded up waters, difficulties etc.

Got photos? Email them to us: adam4rj@gmail.com

5 years ago
Anonymous said
I fished Loch Culag from the boat on Tuesday 4th June. The booking of the boat is now carried out at the Ship Chandlers down by Lochinver Harbour. I first had a good lunch at the Mission (now called An Cala Cafe), then headed off to the Loch. The boat is easy to launch by a single person, although waders are advised to avoid wet feet. Its a lovely stable (Lomond) boat, and the oars have wooden blocks with slots to sit over the pins on the boat - so they are not easily lost overboard! There was a modest west wind which was forecast to move round to the north. I fished over most of the loch - except for the shallow weedy SE corners. I used a variety of debarbed flies, and landed 9 trout in the 3 to a pound class, and lost lots more. My most successful pattern was a bushy Clan Chief. Then the fish stopped taking - maybe it was a combination of a strengthening N wind and a bright sun, so i gave up around 8pm. I returned the key through the letter box in the Ship Chandlers.
14 years ago
Anonymous said
Fished here for 4 hours (2-6pm)on 23 June 2010. Weather overcast with some rain. The most active area on loch for me was the drift past the school picking up 6 trout of varying sizes with 2 at .5 lb and 1 at .75lb. Claret Pennel on the point and an invicta on the dropper, both size 12. Worth a throw.