
Loch Culag June 2019 (HD)

5 years ago
Anonymous said
I fished Loch Culag from the boat on Tuesday 4th June. The booking of the boat is now carried out at the Ship Chandlers down by Lochinver Harbour. I first had a good lunch at the Mission (now called An Cala Cafe), then headed off to the Loch. The boat is easy to launch by a single person, although waders are advised to avoid wet feet. Its a lovely stable (Lomond) boat, and the oars have wooden blocks with slots to sit over the pins on the boat - so they are not easily lost overboard! There was a modest west wind which was forecast to move round to the north. I fished over most of the loch - except for the shallow weedy SE corners. I used a variety of debarbed flies, and landed 9 trout in the 3 to a pound class, and lost lots more. My most successful pattern was a bushy Clan Chief. Then the fish stopped taking - maybe it was a combination of a strengthening N wind and a bright sun, so i gave up around 8pm. I returned the key through the letter box in the Ship Chandlers.

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