
Loch na Faoileige (The Gull Loch)

book-cover This is one of the lochs featured in a book - Trout Fishing in Assynt: A Guide to 30 lochs - which gives you the best, local expert advice there is about fishing this loch. The booklet, which helps fund local angling, is available from Inverbank Newsagents, Lochinver.

A tough hour and a half walk from the A837, Loch na Faoileige is a small loch in dramatic scenery with good numbers of nicely sized trout in it.

OS Grid: NC213193
Decimal: 58.126412, -5.036149
Degrees: 58° 7' 35.0832'' N, 5° 2' 10.1364'' W
Fishing details: Assynt Angling Group, Southern Zone
Permit details: £7.50/day, £40/week from from these outlets


Please tell us about your experience of fishing at this loch. This will help other anglers as well as local angling groups.

Your feedback is important so please tell us:

  • Where you fished, when, what conditions were like.
  • What you caught, when and on what (be a little vague if you don't want to give it all away!)
  • Anything other anglers should be aware of - access, reeded up waters, difficulties etc.

Got photos? Email them to us: adam4rj@gmail.com

1 year ago
Anonymous said

Fished this loch today.

I couldn't find any paths up to the Loch online or on maps so followed the wee stream up, nice waterfalls ect but it's hard going. I had a 35lb pack on full of camping gear, wouldn't recommend any more.

Got up to the Loch and the wind was awful. I waited up to 5 mins between casts at times and the wind came from all directions. Still managed 5 wee trout. Perfectly marked all on a claret bumble 

Had to head of the mountain as the wind gust started to get to a dangerous level. Also my feet where soaked from crossing the stream down at parking. (Would be really useful if someone knows a crossing point, or path up to the Loch.)

reply (1)
1 year ago
Admin said

Hi, I have fished this and the nearby lochans but it is a challenge. There used to be a footbridge near the house (it's on some old maps) but is long gone. In low water wellies will get you over but I have also done it taking boots off, wading over and putting them back on...

9 years ago
Anonymous said
Had great sport with medium sized trout in bright sunlight and patchy cloud on 10th September. Caught more than a dozen fish in 1.5 hours with two fish caught at once on 3 occasions. It was a lucky day as there was a lot of flies on the water (heather fly, daddies and another that looked like a large mayfly) so the trout were very active on the surface. The largest was 14 inches and a 1 lb which I suspect is one of the larger specimens in the loch. I only stayed for a couple of hours as I wanted to move over to fish loch na beinne rheide and camp for the night. James Dunlop