
Overcrowded loch

1 year ago
Graham Williams said

Overcrowded ! You can't say that very often about an Assynt loch but it was this June. Joking really as this must have been my 20th visit in 47 years and first time I've met anyone let alone 4 other fisherman. But a 3hr walk up the Kirkaig path was completed and a fish caught before they arrived. The weather turned nasty and I moved on to the Na Barrack lochs for the rough weather. But returned at 5.30 as the conditions changed to near perfect. Big fish were moving and dorsal fins could be seen cruising across the loch. One 3lb fish jumped clear of the water chasing an emerging ?? Yes no idea what they were feeding on. My Sedgehog was nosed by something big but by 7.30 it went totally calm and the midges got the better of me. Plenty of nice 3/4lb fish in Na Barrack chain but only fooled a small one at this loch!

This might have been my last visit here as the 14 mile hike with 80% on path killed my legs. Didn't appreciate that walking off paths in peat bog is actually better for calf, knees and achilies. Photos on social media and blog.

Cheers Graham 




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