
Loch an Arbhair

Boat available at: 078187
OS Grid: NC078187
Decimal: 58.115371, -5.264486
Degrees: 58° 6' 55.3356'' N, 5° 15' 52.1496'' W
Fishing details: Assynt Angling Group, Southern Zone
Permit details: £7.50/day, £40/week from from these outlets


Please tell us about your experience of fishing at this loch. This will help other anglers as well as local angling groups.

Your feedback is important so please tell us:

  • Where you fished, when, what conditions were like.
  • What you caught, when and on what (be a little vague if you don't want to give it all away!)
  • Anything other anglers should be aware of - access, reeded up waters, difficulties etc.

Got photos? Email them to us: adam4rj@gmail.com

9 years ago
Anonymous said
If you want to fish this loch from the bank, you will need to get over (or through) a tall rickety deer fence - whichever side you start out from. There have been attempts to break through this fence - but beware of sharp wire ends, which ripped my waterproof over-trousers. Could Assynt Anglers please organise better access for bank anglers on this loch.

I fished all round this loch from the bank in June 2014. It was bright with a gentle South wind. I tried a variety of flies, but caught nothing. I saw a number of fish splashing beyond casting distance.

I returned in late May, 2015, again fishing from the bank in late afternoon. There was a modest, reducing West wind and a short rain shower. There was a fair ripple, and conditions looked good. I fished from the East end, round the South bank. I tried a wide variety of flies. I got a tug on a black mini-muddler and I landed a 6oz trout on a longshank Teal, Red, and Silver.
reply (1)
7 years ago
Anonymous said
I was back at this loch on July 2017, and there was little improvement in access - the fence had been broken down a bit more, presumably by frustrated bank anglers.There was a strong East wind, so I fished the east bank from 9:30 till 11pm. I hooked and lost a trout on a debarbed teal red and silver mini-lure, and I landed one on a black mini-lure (returned).
