
Loch Druim Suardalain (The Glen Loch)

book-cover This is one of the lochs featured in a book - Trout Fishing in Assynt: A Guide to 30 lochs - which gives you the best, local expert advice there is about fishing this loch. The booklet, which helps fund local angling, is available from Inverbank Newsagents, Lochinver.

Boat ONLY at NC109218.

Easily accessed from Lochinver and a very attractive water with Canisp and Suilven in the background, the Geln Loch has lots of average trout but also salmon and sea trout later in the season.

OS Grid: NC115218
Decimal: 58.144763, -5.204286
Degrees: 58° 8' 41.1468'' N, 5° 12' 15.4296'' W
Fishing details: Assynt Angling Group, Southern Zone
Permit details: £7.50/day, £40/week from from these outlets


Please tell us about your experience of fishing at this loch. This will help other anglers as well as local angling groups.

Your feedback is important so please tell us:

  • Where you fished, when, what conditions were like.
  • What you caught, when and on what (be a little vague if you don't want to give it all away!)
  • Anything other anglers should be aware of - access, reeded up waters, difficulties etc.

Got photos? Email them to us: adam4rj@gmail.com

7 years ago
Anonymous said
Fished here in August 2015 with my dad and my grandad. It was good conditions with cloud and quite a bit of a ripple so we trolled out between the islands and did a few drifts from the river mouth to the islands between us we caught 4, 8-9 inch brown trout and a dark coloured 11 inch brownie with a big head ( probably predatory). Also at the other end of the loch a tiny salmon parr which picked up my Arthur's olive, they are beautiful.

I started off fishing a Kate mclaren on a dropper and an Arthur's olive on the point and had a few fish but as the sun started to go down over Sullivan grandad was getting cold so we put him in the car and had 1 last session with some daddy long legs which was great fun then we went back for a cosy night at the alt inn after dad grandad had had a dram or two.
13 years ago
Anonymous said
Just got back after two weeks in Strathan and decided to go out for the day with the two lads on this stunning loch.
We took advice from Peter at Culag Cottage which was gratefully received and headed over the two islands to seek shelter from the rain and strong breeze.
We fished black gnat and Kingfisher Palmer on a size 12. We took about 6 fish all about 3/4 of a pound. (all returned).
Then We headed over to the South side to even more shelter where a big isolated patch of lilies were growing. We continued to fish the same flies and took another couple of trout about the same size but must say the midges were biting more than the fish.

The water over there was dead calm but a very large Salmon or Sea Trout (around 8lb at least) kept leaping out of the water within yards of the boat but very close to the lilies.

I rowed close to the lilies and made three casts right to the edge with a very slow retrieve of the Kingfisher Palmer. 10 feet from the boat I hooked a monster which when 2 feet from the boat leapt out and shook the fly free.

This was the aforementioned fish and was a heather coloured purple and silver. I made five or six more casts without any luck and had to move as the midges were intollerable.

I have no idea whether this was a Salmon or sea trout but it continued to leap clear of the water as we rowed away.

Two fish of a similar size also spotted down by the outflowing river.

I have only just finished shaking.........
14 years ago
Anonymous said
Fished here on 13t August 2009. Day started almost glass calm though by late morning sufficient SW'ly breeze to put a ripple on the water and a slow drift for the boat. Fish sporadic at first then improving as the breeze became more consistent and better cloud cover. Drifted mainly in the eastern sector from the south west corner over to the large island and picking up rises on almost every other cast. Three fly cast of two dries and an emerger - all bibio or claret hopper variants.

All in all lots of fish mainly in the 6-10oz (all returned) and an added bonus as the evening came in of a two&half pound sea trout (also returned) just off the sw corner of the large island. Took a claret CDC hopper on top dropper and headed for the bottom like an express train! Quite a clean fish considering the low water on the Culag. Another great day and a very nice boat on this loch with rowing pins insteade of rowlocks.

This was my last day of three and many thanks to Cathel (Polcraig) and Peter (Culag cottage) for all the help.
14 years ago
Anonymous said
Fished for a few hours on Monday evening (27th July). Caught about 10 trout to 11", drifting between the islands and along the north shore. Golden Olive bumble was the most successful fly. No sign of sea-trout.